“I have a friend who”…. It’s a phrase people use every day and people automatically think the person saying it is talking about themselves and oftentimes it’s true. People will want to gauge the reaction of another person by not specifically linking an issue they talk about with an issue they actually have.
But it’s not what we are talking about today. I’d like you to think of that friend. A person you DO think of when you say “I have a friend who…” The person you think of when you hear the phrase “I have a friend whose marriage is failing because of his wife’s porn addiction”, “I have a friend whose son is failing school because every time he gets on the internet he looks at porn”. “I have a friend who called me last night and doesn’t know where to turn or what to do”…
Could you pray today for your “I have a friend who…”?
Whether it’s your dad, neighbor, babysitter, pastor, mom, co-worker, sister, roommate, wife, best friend, husband, grandmother, person sitting next to you at the movies, son, daughter…
WHO are you praying for today to be free from PORN?