Hello Mac Users,

As many of you know Mac has issued a new operating system today called “Lion” also known as version 10.7. There are some major changes with this upgrading system that has to do with 32-bit and 64-bit. Basically, if you have an old machine “Lion” is not going to work.

Your current version of X3watch and X3watchPRO will not work either. You need to update your software. You can do this before or after upgrading to “Lion”. It is probably easier if you update it prior to updating your operating system.

Here is how you can upgrade.

X3watch MAC – Free

If you are a current user of X3watch Free on the mac, look at this screen shot. You can find these settings under “System Preferences” and you hit “X3watch” then hit the button you see that says “Upgrade”  That is all. The new program runs in 32 bit on the front end but 64 bit on the back end and everything works great. If you don’t have the software you can download the free accountability software here.



X3watch Mac PRO
If you are using the PRO version please install the latest version of X3Watch PRO by clicking this link “Download the Latest Version”. You will not need to uninstall the previous version of X3Watch PRO before upgrading to the latest version. The latest version of X3Watch PRO is also now compatible with MAC’s 64-bit kernel mode.  More support for PRO is at support.x3watch.com