X3watch was first built in 2004 for use on a PC and in 2008 for a MAC. We have made significant updates and changes to the software over the years but none are as great as the latest updates. We are asking all of you that use X3watch or keep people accountable on the free version of X3watch to download the latest builds. 

If you allready use our mobile apps, the latest version of the free software will work with all your mobile apps so you will get one report for all your devices.  You can download it from the link below for FREE.

This page will always have the latest version of the software. 

If you would like purchase our mobile apps for X3watch click here.
If you want to check out X3watchPRO let me tell you more about that

I wanted to share some thoughts on our software and how it compares to some of the other software that is out there in the marketplace. First of all, no one offers a free accountabilty software like we do. This free product has been downloaded over 1 million times over the last 8 years. Over the years we have been asked that we include more features in our software and we have listened. We created X3watchPRO that blows away any of the other guys and is cheaper.  We had an outside company compare our new X3watchPRO product with Covenant Eyes and Saavi and here is what they came up with.  You can purchase X3watchPRO here.