I am on the road with the Starving Jesus tour right now but want to
update everyone on a few of the things that we are working on. Some
exciting stuff. I am getting a lot of questions on the road. So, why
not tell you guys on the blogs everything that we are working on. In no
specific order:
1. JLPS T-Shirts – We have just worked out a deal so
that our “Jesus Loves Porn Stars” apparel will be in retail stores
across the country. Stores like “Hot Topic” and “Spencer’s” and many
others will be looking at some designs real shortly. We are excited
about this as we know this will help reach a main stream audience that
needs to hear this message the Jesus loves you. We are still working on
a publisher that will take get the Bibles into mainstream retail
outlets as well. Pray for that one.
2. Porn and Pancakes is the new Porn Sunday. Well,
not really. Let me explain. Before we could talk about porn on a Sunday
morning in a church we were doing men’s breakfast events. As soon as
Porn Sunday came out we never were really ask to do mens breakfast
events again. So, we are working on a great program called “Porn and
Pancakes”. The first event will be in Grand Rapids in December with
many more happening throughout the country. We are going all out on
this, so hold on tight. PornAndPancakes.com is the site. It is not really up and running yet. I actually put the
the jpeg up on the site tonight, but I have no web skills..so hold on
for a little while. Porn Sunday events are still happening all over the
place as well.
3. The Porn Cruiser. Yes it is true our web guy
Clint has been driving the porn mobile in Oklahoma. He is the official
driver of that car. It is his car now and we promised him a new wrap
for it when or should I say if he moves to Grand Rapids. So, the
XXXchurch intern Brandon just got back from picking up the new “Porn
Cruiser”. Clint designed it for us and the guys at Group Imaging hooked us up with the vinyl. Lets just say Miami Vice meets a Wham
video. The worst part is it is sitting in the garage in Grand Rapids
right now and no one is driving it. My 3 year old Nolan loves it and my
wife is scared to death already of it. CHECK IT OUT HERE.
4. The Ron Jeremy Debate. I am so excited to be
able to have the chance to hang with Ron Jeremy. It looks like the
2006-2007 year I will get to do some more debates with Ron. PornDebate.com just launched and has some info about plans for this upcoming school
year. The first debate is actually on September 13th at James Madison
5. Porn Show Outreach. We will be headed back to
Vegas for the AVN show starting on January 9th. We are looking at going
to some other shows as well. The ones on the list that we are praying
about our England, Toronto, Miami, and LA. We will keep you updated.
6. Trinity Project. Please continue to pray for
Trinity (Michelle). Her blog is no longer up on the website. That was
not our decision but wanted to have everyone keep her in your prayers.
7. Dirty Little Secrets Podcast. We are talking
with a few stations in Grand Rapids about helping us produce the show
and do some more things with it. If that does not work, we might look
to trying to record it ourselves and up the level of production. For
now we have 40 something episodes for you to listen to and hope to get
back to having a show at some point.
8. A New Website. Yes Clint is already bored with
the site he just made. He just sent over some comps for a new redesign.
9. Pastors and Porn. We are going to be doing a
fall campaign addressing the sad issue that so many pastors look at
porn. We are centering this campaign around the many fall Pastor
conferences that are taking place across the U.S. You might find us at
a few of these. Don’t look for us on the program, but do keep an eye
10. An intern house, a full time fund raiser, a few
more support staff, China Outreach, Bangkok outreach…okay now I am
dreaming…off to bed…Craig
One last thing…The Starving Jesus tour has been amazing as of day
15. I think the film is going to blow people’s minds. It will be
available by the end of the year and hitting the Film Festival circuit.