What Causes Porn Addiction

What causes porn addiction?” you wonder.

What causes porn addiction, because I think I might be dealing with it,” you say.

What causes porn addiction, because I want to keep my kid away from it,” you ask.

These are all good reasons to ask what causes porn addiction. The reality is, the specifics of what causes porn addiction can vary from person to person, though there are some general causes that you should be aware of.

Reason #1 for what causes porn addiction: We’re wired for it.

Our brains were made to want to reproduce – that’s why sex has such an allure for most people. We’re wired to want to seek out sex for the purpose of reproduction first and foremost, and for intimacy among couples to help protect and raise the children we produce. Porn simply perverts this natural impulse.

Reason #2 for what causes porn addiction: It’s masking deeper hurts.

Many people turn to pornography as a means of masking or “medicating” a deeper wound they sustained within. Perhaps it’s a childhood trauma that we’ve pushed deep into our psyche, or perhaps it’s something else altogether. Addictive behavior can arise when we try to avoid dealing with these deeper hurts.

Reason #3 for what causes porn addiction: It’s easy.

You know how junk food tastes good and is in abundance, and we often turn to junk food just because it’s easy to get, fairly inexpensive, and it makes our mouths feel like they’re having a party? Porn can be the same way. And just like junk food, once you get used to it, it can be really, really hard to stop chowing down on it.

These aren’t the only reasons for what causes porn addiction, but they’re a start. To learn more about porn addiction, how it comes about, and what you can do to prevent it in your life or your home, check out this list of resources below.

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