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What is a porn addiction?
What is a porn addiction in relation to an addiction to sex? What makes a porn addiction different from other kinds of addiction, like to alcohol or drugs or food?
These are all good questions, though the answers vary.
Simply put, porn addiction is a compulsion to view, consume, or use pornography, often despite your own deeper desires. It feels like something you must do as opposed to something you want to do.
This is how porn addiction feels similar to other kinds of addictions. Those addictions have the same underlying tendencies behind them – compulsions to act in a certain way or to consume a certain thing, mainly because our brains have become used to the chemicals that thing triggers within them.
But what is a porn addiction when compared to those other kinds of addictions? This is where the porn addiction becomes different, because sexual activity triggers something within us that is different from alcohol or drugs or food or any of the other kinds of things we can become addicted to.
Sexual activity is a completely different kind of activity in our brains. It is pleasurable, but it lights up different pleasure centers than other kinds of pleasurable activities do, so an addiction to pornography takes on a different tone than other kinds of addictions.
Regardless of what is a porn addiction, the good news is that porn addiction can be overcome, and it just so happens that we specialize in helping people do just that.
Check out the resources below to find out how.
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