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There’s a question that many ask: why do people get addicted to porn? Porn addiction has become more prevalent than ever before. More and more people are experimenting with porn, but why do people get ADDICTED to porn? We have a few thoughts that you might find illuminating.
Why do people get addicted to porn? Here’s a thought: Because we’re designed to look for sex where we can.
It’s a fact of life: people are interested in sex. And in a culture that gets ever more permissive on the topic of sex and what can and cannot be said, we’re getting more and more drenched in it. Porn makes it easy to explore this design and find something that kind of feels like sex.
Why do people get addicted to porn? Here’s another thought: Because it pretends to meet a need they have.
We’re wired to want sex, but when we can’t find sexual activity, we turn to its nearest approximation: porn. Then it sinks its teeth in us and we find it difficult to turn away from it.
Why do people get addicted to porn? Here’s one more thought: Because technology makes it easier than ever before.
Not that long ago, pornography required a trip to the seedy side of the gas station or to the wrong side of town, along with cold hard cash to purchase a magazine or video. It required planning and resources. Now, all you need is an internet connection. That widespread ease has allowed people to satisfy their curious whims a lot more quickly, and once porn gets in your eyes, it’s hard to get it out.
So those are some thoughts about why do people get addicted to porn. For more information on this crucial topic, investigate the resources below.
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