So, I did go see Don Jon its opening weekend.
Now, for those who are a bit more on the conservative side and may want to challenge why, remember that we have a whole team that goes to porn shows. Indeed, some things are not about “entertainment” but “work”; no matter how “odd” that work may be. That said, I will say this: Although it does have some really good points within it, if you’re someone who struggles with pornography, I recommend that you keep it off of your “must-see list”. It gives a particular porn website a lot of free press and in order to do that, many clips were shown.
That said, though…
As I was reading an interview in People’s magazine featuring the creator of the film Joseph Gordon-Levitt, I must agree with something that he said he wanted to convey (and did quite well, I might add) about the movie:
“’Jon, the character I play, is constantly comparing his love and sex life to pornography,’ Levitt explains, ‘And Scarlett, her character, is constantly comparing her love life to these romantic Hollywood movies, and so if you’re constantly comparing your real life to stuff you’ve seen on the screen, you’re always going to be disappointed, because real life is not as simple as that.’”
I remember sitting on the coach with an ex-boyfriend years ago and upon settling on a chick flick, he rolled his eyes (in a totally masculine kind of way, of course-LOL) and said “That’s your porn, Shellie. You sit and watch all of that romance crap and believe that it’s real.”
And you know what? To a certain degree, he was right. As someone who also is a marriage life coach, over the past couple of years, I have watched many marriages crumble because of porn addiction AND I have watched a lot of them end up in serious trouble due to chick flick addiction too.
As a matter of fact, it wasn’t too long ago that a wife said to me “I actually believe that for a marriage to work, the husband must love his wife a little more than she loves him.” I also know for a fact that this person loves (LOVES) Disney movies and period films. And when it comes to her resolve, nowhere in the Bible is that stated. As a matter of fact, the Hebrew word for helpmate is Ezer Kenegdo and guess that that translates into: LIFESAVER.
My point? Well, for one thing, I can’t help but believe that some of her opinion is directly due to “chick flick influence”. Secondly, just like we need to make sure that guys don’t get their sex education from porn, we honestly need to be just as aggressive in making sure that gals don’t believe that love is just what they see in the movies either. Because when you put a porn addict and a chick flick addict in the same bedroom, or shoot even the same house for that matter, there’s a really high chance that you’re going to get nothing but disillusionment, disappointment and resentment because what they thought a relationship was about, they got from a computer or movie screen. And when it comes to sex or love, that’s simply not real.
Porn is bad for you.
Chick flick overdosing is too.
Just make sure to keep everything in perspective … for the sake of your relationship.