In perusing one of my weekly regulars, I saw an article today entitled, “Why Do Men Love ‘Barely Legal’ Porn?” And you know what? Even with as hard of a thinker as I am, until reading about how the most sought after porn was the “barely legal teens” category, I must admit that as much as I deal with this subject matter, *I never ever thought about it*. In my porn days, I gravitated towards people who were asthetically attractive, but not the ones that looked like they were still in puberty. What so sexy about *that*? Here’s an excerpt of the article’s findings on the issue:
“…the most common explanation given for adult men’s particularly intense attraction to teen girls is reproduction. But on closer scrutiny that theory falls apart. Women’s fertility peaks between 22 and 26, well after their ‘salad days’ have come to a close. Barely and not-yet legal teens alike have statistically higher rates of complications in pregnancy than women in their twenties. From a medical historical perspective, there has never been a time when 17 year-olds were more fertile than women just five or six years older. The argument that men in their 30s, 40s, and beyond are evolutionarily hardwired to lust after girls just above or below the adulthood threshold has less merit than we think.
One alternative answer has much more to do with adult men’s anxiety than with their reproductive longings. In the fantasy world of ‘barely legal’ pornography, the teen girl is an ingénue longing for sexual initiation at the hands and body of an experienced older man. For an older man (the average male porn user is over 30) perhaps intimidated by the erotic and emotional demands of his own female peers, the imagined naïveté of a much-younger woman is a source of comfort. The less experience she has, the less likely she’ll mock his clumsiness and the more likely she’ll appreciate whatever savoir-faire he does possess.”
OK, that last “dirty old man” angle? It’s sad but I get the whole “I want to feel virile” thing far more than “I want to fantasize about girls that can be impregnated” deal. I mean, you watch women, well *barely legal looking teens*, that you will never meet on screen because they make you feel like you can get them pregnate? What?!?
When I tell you that sin is senseless…sometimes trying to figure out all of this stuff will really make your head spin. Yet, I know how y’all role on here and so this definitely provides a great foundation for a lot of comments. In thinking all of this through, we all know that 18 may make you *legal* but if a 40-year-old man was dating a young woman that age, we all might secretly see if he’s on any sex offender list. That said, what do *you* think about men who, not just look at, but *prefer* the barely legal category over the grown folks?