I’ve been working in this area of ministry for over a decade now. As part of XXXchurch and Live Free, I’ve helped launch resources, communities, and countless courses all designed to help people find freedom from pornography and unwanted sexual behavior.

But can I be honest?

The vast majority of those resources have been focused on men and spouses who have been impacted by their husband’s betrayal. Very few of those efforts have been geared specifically towards women who struggle with porn and sex.


Well, it’s not because… 

  • We don’t think this is an issue for women as much as it is for guys.
  • We don’t think there is a need for women.
  • We don’t care about women.
  • We want to cast more shame on women.

It’s none of that. 

Our vision as an organization is to provide resources and communities that connect people, so they can enjoy a mentally healthy lifestyle free of sexual shame and regret.

We do have support groups for women who struggle. But we need to do more, and I’ll be the first one to recognize that. The truth is that we are limited because of the lack of (expressed) demand from women and having the right people to spearhead these efforts. 

Of course, I can only speak for us. 

Why then does this lack of resources and help for women seem to be the same issue with other organizations or with the church as a whole? I can’t say for sure, but I would imagine it comes down to those same two things:

  1. Lack of people willing to spearhead those efforts.
  2. Lack of “demand.”

This is why when someone like Dr. Eddie Capparucci and his colleagues Lacy Alajna Bentley and Heather Cronemiller, LICSW come along and said, “Hey we have a message for women who need help” it’s worth highlighting.

Eddie is a monthly contributor with the Live Free Community and a valued ministry partner. He’s also a writer, therapist, and creator of the Inner Child Recovery Process for the Treatment of Problematic Sexual Behaviors.

Eddie’s programs and books have proven to be immensely helpful to countless men. However, he is now shifting his focus to create something extraordinary exclusively for women who are ensnared in the same cycle of love and porn addiction.

And so in our effort to do what we can for women, we want to make sure that message gets out there by sharing some of Eddie’s articles and insight all this month.

So, I would encourage you to follow along with us, read his posts, and check out his books because he has something of value to offer you (as a man OR a woman).

Stay tuned!