
I was reading an article this morning from a link that I saved earlier this year entitled “How Realistic Would a Robot Have to Be for You to Have Sex with It?” Why did I save it you ask? Because I was filing it away (and forgot about it until I was going through my drafts) to blog on here. Why again? Because my bigger question than the posed one in that article is *why* would people even want to have sex with a robot in the first place?!? And let me just say that for those who may think that’s a completely ridiculous notion, really, how “far off the mark” is it from those who have sex with themselves while watching a computer or television screen? Isn’t it, on many levels, simulated sex either way? God never intended for us to have sex *at* but sex *with* (part of the reason why I stopped a lot of my sexual habits, honestly).

But it was actually another article that was linked to that one that is the inspiration behind the title of today’s blog. To the right, I saw a story with this title: “The Porniest City in America Is Quite Family Friendly“. Wanna guess where it is (before you look)? I’ll give you a couple of seconds…it’s Orlando, Florida. Yep. Home of Disneyworld. *Now* do you think it’s crazy to entertain videos like this one?

And as far as Walt Disney, I’ll say this: the Bible does give us a heads up that sorcery is not…um, healthy (Deuteronomy 18:9-11) and Disney films have *a ton of witchcraft in it* (I guess since it’s animated it gets a pass-SMH). And, if you’ve read about his personal life, it was a bit…odd too. But as I was scrolling down the list on Men’s Health magazine (out of 100, my city is #49…hmph), I thought about what the qualifiers were: the number of porn DVDs that are purchased, the amount of porn entertainment stores, the total of porn Internet seaches (yeah, we “forget” about that don’t we? Thanks Google Insights!) and the amount of soft core porn that is viewed.

So, that led to another thought; that although we might be “OK” with our city being put on blast, what if it was our personal DVD stash, our personal tracking of trips to “those shops”, the unveiling of our own Internet searches and Cinema viewings? How comfortable would we be then? ‘Cause you see, for so many people to debate that porn is “not so bad”, isn’t it amazing how many keep their porn habits a secret? And being that God defines himself (I John 1:5) and his followers (Matthew 5:14) as LIGHT, that should already be a dead-ringer that it’s not his best for our lives. In other words, if you have to *hide it*, you probably shouldn’t be *doing it*.

Just something to think about…

Oh, and speaking of “?!? questions”, I also peeped this little tidbit: kiddie porn is now legal in New York. Well, let me further clarify. A judge ruled that no one is committing a crime by simply looking at child pornography. Makes me wonder about the judge *and* the kind of person that would be attracted to that kind of porn…whether they “act on it” or not. But then again, every porn actor is *someone’s child*, right? Checkmate.