I know that I’m showing my age (38) just a bit when I ask this, but does anyone remember ths commercial:
With all of these rehab shows over the years, it would appear that “scrambled egg brains” do not bother us as much as this commercial wanted it to (SMH).
Anyway, this is what I thought about when I read an article entitled, “Five Bizarre Effects That Sex Has on the Brain“. Apparently, one of the things that sex does, when it’s in the form of porn, is shut down parts of our brains. I’m gonna straight copy and paste the findings:
Porn is one of those dirty little things many people enjoy watching but rarely admit to, and probably for good reason, seeing as it was recently discovered that watching porn makes certain portions of your brain shut down. Who would admit to taking part in something that sounds like it gives you brain damage?
When you perform any kind of visual task your brain is being supplied with extra blood that fuels your ability to perform that task. This doesn’t happen when it comes to watching porn. When you watch a woman that’s clearly faking it make love to a man who can only be described by the words “greasy sex troll” your brain only focuses on the sex and nothing else. Your brain doesn’t see a reason to work any harder. You don’t need to process the fact that the drapes in the background are wine-colored or that the pool they’re having sex beside needs to be skimmed because HEY LOOK OVER HERE THESE PEOPLE ARE DOING IT ISN’T THAT AWESOME?!?!
When you’re watching porn, your brain is so focused on sexual arousal that it almost completely abandons paying attention to details. “You have to realize that the brain wants to spare as much energy as possible, so if some part of the brain is not necessary at a high level of functioning, it immediately goes down,” said Gert Holstege, one of the researchers that made this discovery.
We’re going to interpret all this as meaning that if you can watch porn while successfully completing a Sudoku puzzle you should work for NASA.
OK, in my porn watching days, I’m pretty sure I didn’t think that porn was shutting my brain down, but what I do know is that I used it for escapism (usually from stress) and the kind of things that I would watch to get aroused or achieve a release, I found to be totally degrading and disgusting once I got it. Yep. Sounds like a form of a high to me.
What do y’all think?
If you watch porn, why do you do it and have you ever thought that it makes your brain….disconnect?
Gee. Brings a whole new meaning to loving God with our *minds* (Matthew 22:37) being that he is our *power source* (2 Timothy 2:7), doesn’t it?
Sound off…