Wow. Just wow.
Initially, I was gonna blog this week about a dating site that I read about a few days ago. It’s called and it’s for people who desire a relationship but cannot engage in sexual intercourse. It was founded by a cervical cancer survivor and the focus is on people who are looking for a non-physical relationship. According to some of the information that I read in an article that led me to the site, (did you know this?!?) one in three Americans will have cancer in their lifetime (whoa) and treatment often kills the sex drive or makes intercourse basically impossible. It’s also for people with disabilities, etc.
Personally, I find the site to be a *brilliant* concept and it seems to be catching on. Already 1500 people have joined since August 1. And personally, before I even got to the gist, I was like, “Oh. So it’s a Christian dating site?” (LOL) I mean…cause we should be all for and known for *courting for love* our darn selves with sex not being the objective during the dating process. Also because *we can’t*. We should be seen as people who *can’t* until marriage (Hebrews 13:4).
But then, something else took my attention away.
I read this morning that PETA is premiering a porn site. I guess I shoulda seen it coming since their ads are basically porn themselves, but I think it’s the supposed objective that tripped me out. Their aim is to use it to promote um, veganism while featuring pictures of mistreated animals following their porn viewings. The spokeswoman was quoted as saying, “Our racier actions are sometimes a way to get people to sit up and pay attention to the plight of animals.” Um, *sit up* and pay attention to…*animals*? To further explain:
“It will have enough adult content to qualify for the XXX domain site but also some other graphic images of animals that viewers may not expect to see.”
Expect to see or *want to see*? I don’t know which ad campaign is worse: this or the Always one I read about featuring transvestites with the tag line: “Some people *wish* they had a period.” I mean…*and I mean*.
I’ll just speak for me and say that I’m glad that I stopped watching porn before this little enterprise. Looking back, it was traumatizing to my spirit enough.
Then again…PETA may be onto something that they never even really thought about: porn reels you in and then reality (Ecclesiastes 7:18-Message) follows up. And usually, it ain’t pretty. Sometimes it may be a pic of a tortured animal. Other times, the feelings from the regret of a tortured soul.
“But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death. Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren.”—James 1:14-16(NKJV)
Sex sells. Sin is senseless.
…and the wheels on the bus go ’round and ’round.