I wrote in a previous blog how I’ve never seen what’s all the hype with pornography. I’ve never understood how people enjoyed watching other people have sex, let alone have them watch you do or have something demeaning done to you. When I look at porn, I believe that it gives off a false representation of what sex is supposed to be. I know that to each its own and the bedroom is undefiled…when married, however, I would venture off and say that porn is perhaps the first example of what sex is or should be that a lot of kids initially experience. Then depending on their parental guidance or lack thereof that misunderstanding may never be corrected.  

Porn in my book is equivalent to a female faking an orgasm: over the top and unnecessary. It’s an act that so many people try to duplicate to reach the type of ecstasy or nirvana that’s being displayed on the screen. But what a lot fail to realize is it’s just an act! One of those directors behind a megaphone yelling “Action!” and “Cut!” the type of acts that are played out before us. I haven’t followed the day and life of a porn star on set, but I could imagine that everything they do is on command and if you can’t respond on command or re-up quickly then you’re replaced.

The only purpose, if I had to pick one, for porn would be to find out new ways to stimulate your lover. However, even in that I believe that a little imagination could serve as a great replacement. Again, everyone wants to imitate what they’re seeing on screen hoping to get or give the same results. The illusion of it all is what keeps everyone attracted to it and me from it. I wonder if the actors and actresses of the pornography industry have high or low self-esteem? I heard one porn actor say they do it for the money, but I question at what point does it go beyond being just for the money? Did it initially start out like that? Even those who are blessed with assets that others wished they had, how quickly did their comfort level change when the director said “Action!”?

Porn seems to be more of a mental thing than a physical one. Then again, maybe not. Maybe, it is just a paycheck to them. Just like how I go to work and clock in and clock out, they do the same. Maybe this has been their lifelong aspiration since they could remember. Maybe they enjoy their svelte or muscular physiques and love to show them off. Or maybe they are gifted in doing things the average person can’t or won’t do and they have no problems in showing or teaching. I have no clue, but I’m always open to gain understanding. I may still not agree with it but at least I could understood the logic behind it a little more.


I’m just sayin…