I read an article earlier today from “The Guardian” (a publication in the UK) that stated this:
“…While it’s accepted that women are watching – and enjoying – porn more and more, it’s less recognised that some are also finding it hard to stop. At Quit Porn Addiction, the UK’s main porn counselling service, almost one in three clients are women struggling with their own porn use, says founder and counsellor Jason Dean. Two years ago, there were none.While more than six out of 10 women say they view web porn, one study in 2006 by the Internet Filter Review found that 17% of women describe themselves as ‘addicted’….
Orgasm releases a dopamine-oxytocin high that has been compared to a heroin hit, and many regular users of internet porn report experiencing an almost trance-like effect that not only makes them feel oblivious to the world, but also gives them a sense of power that they don’t have in real life. ‘The PC becomes an erogenous zone. The more you keep trying to put porn out of your mind, the more it keeps popping back in. The brain then learns that porn is the only way to cope with anxiety.'”
From a biblical perspective, when it comes to anxiety, there are two Scriptural points:
“Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, but a good word makes it glad.”—Proverbs 12:25(NKJV)
“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”—Philippians 4:6-7(NKJV)
One day, I;ll share a big ephipany I had in my own journey with porn, but I do find it to be interesting that when the urge hit me most, it was when I found myself in a state of *deep isolation* (no good word in sight) and *the last thing* I wanted to do was pray. And looka here, the Word says that the opposite approach is what brings about a remedy.
Now when it comes to why so many women are watching porn these days, I have my own suspicions/theories/opinions, but I would like to hear some of you all’s first. Actually, I have two questions this week:
1) If you are a woman who views porn, do you consider yourself addicted? Why or why not?
2) Being that *globally* the desire that women have for porn is growing, why do you personally think that more and more women find themselves watching it?
Sound off…