From time to time we get information from other ministries about how they like what we do. Many have posted blogs of their own about sexual struggles and purity. Here is one of those moments; the folks at Fervr have a great blog and we would like to share it with you and their site.
-Brian Mac
God commands and demands that there shouldn’t even be a hint of sexual immorality among us as his saved people (Ephesians 5:3). Which, of course, we all find incredibly easy to do, right? WRONG! This feels completely impossible most (maybe all) of the time. If there is one area of life where it feels like Satan is winning the battle, its in the area of sex. And if there is one area where our bodies are screaming out for us to disobey God, its in the area of sex. So I want to give you my top 11 tips to help you avoid sexual immorality.
1) The battle begins in the mind. You need to know what God says about sex and trust what God says about sex. You need to be careful what you fill your minds with. Imagination is often the hotbed where sin is often hatched. Here’s another Fervr article that will help with some good parts of the Bible to read.
2) Pray daily. Depend on God, on the power of His Holy Spirit to strengthen you in this battle.
3) Don’t put yourself in situations where you will be easily tempted.
4) Remember God is watching. You are never completely out of sight. Someone can always see you.
5) Wield the axe. Jesus says in Matt 5 that if your eye or hand causes you to sin, gouge them out and throw them away, because eternal life is at stake. So if the internet, magazines, TV, or peer group are causing you to sin; wield the axe.
6) Talk about sex. (Accountability). You can’t fight this alone. You need God’s help and you need God’s people’s help too. Find someone you trust & share your struggle.
7) Be careful what you wear. Modesty is good for you and good for others too.
8) Remember the cross. Jesus died for our sins, including our sexual sins.
9) Remember Jesus is coming back. We all will have to give an account for our lives, even our sex life.
10) Struggling is a good sign. Keep fighting and don’t give in.
11) Forgiveness is available. If you sin sexually you can still be forgiven, such is the power of the cross of Christ. So repent, turn back to God and live for Him.
I hope and pray that these tips will help you in this fight. Remember, ‘not even a hint of sexual immorality’ is God’s loving standard for you.