Albert Einstein once said ‘Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts”.
We have heard that the “Eyes are the gateway to the soul’. I sometimes believe and marvel at how so very easily the eyes can drag us down a path, our heart and soul never truly desired to go. Now you can argue that if you actually went down that road in the first place, it’s your heart that desired to go in the first place, and “that” is really where it all lies.
You would be correct. In a sense! In another sense you can never truly de-value the part the eyes play in the big picture of lust/porn etc etc. For instance. Let’s say you’re immersed in porn, it has never had more control of you then it does right now. A beautiful woman walks in the room. Your eyes have become that super-porn highway to every imaginable thought you could think of. The vision of said particular young lady. The eyes began the process to pollute the soul. The eyes began the process to pollute the heart. YES, porn is a matter of the heart, porn pollutes the soul, yet the eyes are the negotiator. It goes kind of like this.
-The eyes bring you to the door and introduce you perversion.
-The heart takes over from there, and begins the justification process.
(You know what I’m saying men. The whole “at least I’m not sleeping around / having an affair / etc etc. We are immediately justifying our pre-actions of masturbation)
-The unfortunately, the soul is left with the after affect of it all (and in our guilt, begins the process of heaviness).
The eyes are the catalyst to the actions. The actions pollute the soul. Jesus did an amazing thing in Mark chapter 8. People brought a blind man to him for healing. Jesus (though he could have) did not stretch his hand right there and then. It says he took the man outside of the village (for no distractions, or fanfare). Then it says he spit on the mans eyes and put his hands on him. He asks him “Do you see anything?” The guy looks at him and says “I see people; they look like trees walking around”. It then says, once more Jesus put his hands on the man’s eyes. Then his eyes were opened, his sight restored, and he saw everything clearly.
The man needed a double touch of Jesus to see clearly. The eyes were not opened the first time. I find it amazing that Jesus wanted alone time (outside) the village with this man, to open his eyes. He didn’t want to do it in front of everyone. It was a 2 step process of healing.
My point: God wants to purify your eyes to see clearly, to not pollute the soul. Get alone with God. Let HIS process be THE process that helps you see clearly with your eyes, and keeps the heart pure. Feel with your own eyes, and feel with your own heart. Let nothing pollute either of them.
Keep fighting