HE CAME SO WE CAN BEAT THE BEAST- Part four of conquering the beast- GRRRRR!

All of these things play parts in fighting the fight against masturbation, but ultimately fighting masturbation is fighting what our sinful nature is wanting.  James 1:14-15 says-

“But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death.”

The only way can truly conquer is with Christ. He is the biggest thing you NEED to help fight the fight against masturbation. You can try to beat this thing on your own, and you may want to, but it’s a WHOLE lot easier to fight the fight with HIS strength instead of YOUR strength. Christ has conquered death and the chains that hold us to our sinful nature and only through Him can we escape those chains. He is there to fill the void that I know a lot of us girls try to fill with masturbation- the need to feel wanted, or love. Well Christ definitely does NOT NEED us, but He certainly WANTS us and loves us, why else would He die on a cross to break the chains of sin and death that hold us so tightly?

James 4:7- “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”

Note that we are called to resist the devil THEN flee temptation. God never tempts us (James1:14-17), but Satan does, though make sure not to give him too much credit. We can get ourselves in some pretty big jams with temptation without Satan helping us.

 It is important to repent to God, repenting not only means asking forgiveness, but repent actually means turning from and changing your mind. Once Christ has forgiven you, forgive yourself. Don’t continually beat yourself up. If you no longer feel remorse, then you’re in a bad place. Pray for the Lord to renew your spirit and the conviction you once had.


Many of us can relate how hard it is to fight the fight against masturbation and lust; can we help each other out?

Girls- Let us remember that the guys are visual, so can we make sure to dress modestly?  Of course! We can still dress cute! But I have talked to many guys who have or are struggling with lust and masturbation and they all wish we could help them out more.  Together (I’m doing this with you) let’s cover up our cleavage, not wear booty shorts, get rid of tight clothing, and short skirts—and I know this might come as a shock… But it turns out leggings do NOT make short skirts, cause it still reveal your curves.

Guys- Please don’t wear too tight of pants! Seriously! Us girls have a hard time as well! Please don’t wear pants that outline your crotch area. 

 Remember you are not alone in this fight; I have been and will continue to pray for everyone who has read this article and finds themselves struggling with masturbation or porn. Hang in there. If you comment below and ask for prayer specifically I will make sure to pray for you daily. Together in Christ we can fight and win this battle.