I have been in Vegas a little over a week now and there is
one thing that I just can’t get out of my head. Everything here is fake. I mean everything. You walk the strip and everything that looks like it is solid
and legit is just plaster and plastic. None of it is real.
The other night my fiancé and I were hanging out on the Strip
with some friends. As we were
walking back to our car, we saw a man walking to his car with a 70ish year old
prostitute hanging on his side. I
will never forget the look in this woman’s eyes. She looked numb. She tried to fake a smile. She tried to look like she was
having a great time with her “client,” but the truth was that there was pain in
her eyes. She probably has kids
and grandkids at home. This man
had just PURCHASED this lady for her to FAKE a good time. She was nothing more than an object to
him. She didn’t love him; she was
probably repulsed by him. But she
had to fake it…it was her job.
Porn is the same way. It is fake. As
you click your life away going site to site, woman to woman, you loose sight
that these are ladies. They have
husbands, boyfriends, brothers, sisters, moms, dads. These ladies might be smiling in their pictures, but it’s not
real. Behind those eyes is pain. Behind those eyes are ladies that just
want to be loved and are tired of being used as products instead of loved for
who they are and the beauty that Christ created them with.
I write this because I want to challenge you. I want to
challenge you to take a step away from porn and look at it from a different
point of view. Step back and look at these women as ladies. Look at them as sisters in Christ, as
we are called to do. I also challenge you to realize that this crap isn’t real.
It’s fake. I challenge you to come back to reality
and get on the path to the life Christ called us to and that’s one of purity
and a path to a real love life someday with, yes, sex. Sex is meant to be beautiful. It is meant to be with you and the one
you vowed to spend the rest of your life with. Not you in front of a computer screen with your pants around
your ankles clicking away site to site. There is more to it than that. I challenge you to read Song of Solomon in the Bible. This is what sex really is. Not porn. Porn is fake. It
leads to nothing but pain and confusion of what God really intended.
Be blessed brothers and sisters.