Brandon Piety here hailing from the fine midwestern United States of America. I have lived all over this grand country and finally my family settled in Nap Town, that is Indianapolis, IN for those of you not from Indiana, that would be most of you. I am pretty young dude, twenty-two. I went to college in Cincinnati and now call Grand Rapids MI home. There I work for XXXCHURCH, am finishing college and basically rock this little city.
Some of you may be familiar with the X3 podcast it on there that almost every week the guys and gals I am on with find some way to make fun of me. I enjoy it to some extent. Some not so exaggerated stuff about myself includes enjoying electronica music – it might be geeky to love music made with machines and computers but I dig it. I do like messing with computers, macs only. I am a recovering avid player of Halo, I was second best at my university. I now play only socially and with those above the age of MA-17. To clarify I do not endorse playing video games avidly or underage, okay everyone good, cool. I wear high tops, drink too much coffee and sushi is a close second to mother’s chicken parmesan as a fav food.
XXXCHURCH is very close to home for me. We go way back. I heard about it from my youth pastor when I was in high school, six years ago when I was sixteen. I went to him because I was fed up in dabbling, stumbling, struggling, basically just looking at pørn on the internet. Shawn, my youth pastor kept me accountable with X3watch then and still does to this day.
I had the opportunity to intern under Craig, the leader of X3 two years ago. That summer changed my life – it was the most focused and driven group of people I had ever been around. The rest is history I guess, it is crazy it has been two years. Visits to prison, porn shows, Europe, Vegas-twice, and many long drives in the Pornmobile. I now work full time making this all happen with a great team, El Clinto, Craig, Michelle, Donny, Sam and the interns and many more.
Why blog every week? Why spill my guts on here? This movement/website changed me. That is it. It did. I was 16 and it inspired me to change myself, to let go of things holding me back so I join God in changing the world. I want more than just the same repeating junk that is out there. I want to pass it on.
I hope you check this blog out weekly as we explore struggles, freedom and adventures.