It’s an interesting contradiction; we enjoy porn because we convince ourselves that the people performing in it are enjoying it as well. We think that we can become that great at sex because the images we see reinforce our fantasies. Ironically, the very thing we get the most joy out of is the most faked part of pornography. Once you can fully come to terms with the fact that what you’re watching is 100% fake on so many levels, the appeal that porn offers will start to diminish. It’s become such a mis-education in something designed to be so intimate and beautiful that when it comes time for you to do the deed, you’ll probably fumble around like an idiot because not all men and women are porn stars. And if you are having sex with a porn star (well, that’s another topic I suppose) I guarantee that they probably don’t like to discuss work at home, if you know what I mean. Some would argue that those involved in pornography like what they do. “Who wouldn’t? Getting to have sex all day AND get paid!” What you don’t hear about is the endless amounts of physical and emotional pain and damage that this lifestyle can cause. What you are watching is abuse, not to mention possibly illegal.
I was once discussing the pitfalls of porn with a friend, using the age old explanation that porn is fake, misleading and will build your sexual confidence to a level that you will never actually reach etc. His answer was “Well, I really only like watching the real ones, like people’s sex tapes, and those are obviously real so I don’t really get those high expectations.” I’m not gonna lie, that was a really good rebuttal. Was he justified though? Ahhh, not quite. Porn is porn. We are not made to watch others engage in something so private. Porn is damage on top of damage on top of damage. That woman, who you’re getting off to, who looks like she’s enjoying every second of it, is an actress, and more than likely, that “sexy look” is her attempt at enduring pain. Our bodies were not designed for this. Many actors in porn films have made claims of prior sexual abuse in their lives, not all make this claim but I would venture a guess that a large percentage would. Do you think these women dreamed of this as little girls?
“Some women hate it so much you can hear them vomiting in the bathroom between scenes. The porn industry wants YOU to think we porn actresses love sex. They want you to think we enjoy being degraded by all kinds of repulsive acts. Some of us caught HIV from coercion (‘Work or never work again’). Another porn actress went home after a long night of numbing her pain and put a pistol to her head and pulled the trigger. We’re traumatized little girls living on anti-depressants, drugs and alcohol acting out our pain in front of you who continue to abuse us.” – Former actress Shelly Lubben
What goes on behind the scenes is much more shocking than what you’re seeing on your screen. Drugs, alcohol, addiction, suicide, spousal and child abuse-all for the sake of “entertainment” and to get ourselves “off.” We are so selfish to indulge in this type of affliction. Porn is dehumanizing in so many ways, not only to those watching but to those who we employ by supporting their profession. Start the boycott in your own life. Fight for those who do not have a voice and who need your help. Jesus loves porn stars just as much as He loves you, and He wants to see everyone delivered from this pain.