“My reaction to porn films is as follows: After the first ten minutes, I want to go home and screw. After the first 20 minutes, I never want to screw again as long as I live.” -Erica Jong
The funny thing about porn is that it’s so stinkin’ interesting! I really can’t think of anything that’s quite like it. The above quotes are 100% accurate, in my opinion. I can’t think of any other medium that provides the viewer or listener with such a rush, such a sense of wonder and exploration and experimentation so rapidly, then in almost the same instance, let’s the subject down into such mind-numbing depths. When we’re in the grips of this addiction, we never think of it in such a way. We view pornography as a means to an end. We view it in secret then tuck it away as if it never happened, but the act and guilt will remain until we do something about it, until we ask God to redeem.
I was joking with a friend recently about how as we get older (even into our late 20’s), that it seems like our long term memory is already starting to fade, not being able to remember certain details of our high school years, parties, weddings, funerals, conversations, things that most people hold dear and treasure forever. But then we discussed that we can still remember pornographic images and videos that we had viewed when we were 13, 14, 15 years old! Why do our brains work this way? What is it about this addiction that so strongly cements itself to your very being?
The sheer juxtaposition of pornography is mind boggling. You go from “the most turned on you’ve ever been”-wanting sex or at least your own hand so badly, to “okay this is disgusting, what is the matter with me?” This change happens in mere seconds! You go from this intensity where your mind is focused on only one thing and achieving that feeling, to “eh, onto the next feeling” (usually sleepiness or hunger).
So how do we combat that? How do we think ahead and say “Okay, I’m going to feel absolutely nothing but guilt AFTER I give into my addiction one more time”, and do something to stop it before it starts? For me, it was simple; THINK! Is it worth it? Is feeling that same old terrible feeling really worth it for another time?
I want to address the second quote as well. Pornography steals. Not only does it steal away and completely distort your expectations of sex and your future partner but it takes away our imagination! I’ve heard guys talk about how that porn can be equivalent to the fantasies they make up in their minds, but that porn allows them to not have to think. How crazy is that! Do you really want to reach the point of feeling too lazy to think?
I feel like we feel so little these days. There are so few truly pure moments anymore, and if there are, we rush to our Facebook to share it with everyone. What’s left that is just yours? What’s left that you only share with your partner or maybe no one at all? I firmly believe that the more some things are shared, the more they lose their value, the more they stray from your own hands.
Of course, God can redeem anything and He will when you ask Him. This is an important fact to remember as you look back at your past and pray for redemption in your future relationships. This fact alone has saved many.