There are certain events in our life that completely blindside us. They come with no warning or “How To” book and generally send us into a tailspin searching for meaning and purpose. What you do when you walk in on one of your parents having an affair is one of those moments.
Thoughts, questions and emotions flood your heart and mind in that split second. How could they do this to mom/dad? How could they do this to me? I thought they loved our family…I thought they loved me. An event like this can shake every idea and principle you thought you had. The wonderful truth however is that there is a God who’s never shaken and stands firm as our strong tower in times of disaster and confusion.
Psalms 62:5-8
My soul, wait in silence for God only, For my hope is from Him.
He only is my rock and my salvation, My stronghold; I shall not be shaken.
On God my salvation and my glory rest; The rock of my strength, my refuge is in God.
Trust in Him at all times, O people; Pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us. Selah.
Sin at it’s core is all about selfishness. Sin will taint your judgement and thought process. It will lead you down roads you never intended to take to places you never wanted to go. Adults fall into sexual sin the same way young people do. When you choose to not discipline your thoughts, eyes and actions sin will find its way in with the sole purpose of taking out as many people as possible.
Affairs are a major way that satan tries to take out the family. He knows how vital the family is the spiritual growth of so many and the rock and foundation it can be in people’s lives. So he attacks it with full force. Often times affairs rip families apart and break many hearts in the process. The family struggles to function when there is strife between husband and wife, father and child or mother and child. That’s the kind of division unfaithfulness in marriage can be.
John 10:10
10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and [a]have it abundantly.
Jesus coming was all about life, hope and love for humanity. Jesus contains the answers to life’s toughest questions and a place to run when things go wrong. If this moment ever happens to you, you caught mom or dad being unfaithful I encourage you to run. Run straight into the arms of the one who loves you and will never let you down. Let Him walk you through it, protect your heart from bitterness and come out with love reigning in your heart. It’s not the end of the world and tomorrow will be a brighter day.