Masturbation Addiction Help for Women

Yes, it’s true: there are women addicted to masturbation.

Female masturbation addiction is a real thing, and there really are many, many women addicted to masturbation right now – including someone you may likely know.

In other words, if you’re worried that you’re one of the women addicted to masturbation or are someone who already knows you struggle with female masturbation addiction, then we have great news for you:

There are tons of other women just like you!

One of the worst things about female masturbation addiction is that women largely don’t want to admit that they struggle with this issue. Sure, women may occasionally own up to masturbating every now and then… but to say, “I’m one of the women addicted to masturbation” is a MUCH bigger deal.

Which is why most women are hesitant to talk about it.

But it’s not going anywhere anytime soon, and if you’re wondering whether you’re suffering from female masturbation addiction, we can help you know for sure. Here at, we’ve developed a masturbation addiction test that will give you the final word on whether you’re one of the women addicted to masturbation.

But beyond that – we’ll also give you ideas on what to do about it.

End the wondering. Answer the questions. Find the freedom of the real you.

Take our masturbation addiction test here.

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