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How long have you been asking yourself this very question? The time has come to stop asking and find out, which you can do by taking our free Sexual Addiction Screening Test (SAST) right here, right now.
This test was designed by Dr. Patrick Carnes to assist in the assessment of sexually compulsive behavior that may indicate the presence of sex addiction. Developed in cooperation with hospitals, treatment programs, private therapists, and community groups, the SAST provides a profile of responses that help to discriminate between addictive and non-addictive behavior.
we need some basic information (your first name, your email address, and your gender) in order to build your profile. We won’t be selling it and we won’t be sharing it with anyone.
The test consists of 8 yes-or-no questions and takes only a few minutes to complete. You’ll get your results immediately, right on your browser window, with the option to have them emailed to you if you so desire.
Also, once you’ve finished the test, we will send you a FREE ebook; just check your email later today to get instructions for downloading it. Just so you know: you may need to check your spam folder; we won’t send you spam, but sometimes email servers can’t tell the difference.
One last word: this test will be completely useless to you if you answer with anything other than complete honesty. Some of these questions are difficult – they may cause you to face things about yourself that you may not care to admit. Answer them honestly anyway. We won’t share your answers with anyone and we won’t judge you for anything. You’re safe here.
Now let’s get started.
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