Porn addiction is one of the most difficult addictions to overcome, but it is possible. Whether you are man struggling with sex addiction, a woman dealing with porn addiction, or a spouse who is just looking to have a better marriage and a great sex life, we can help.
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We have spent years creating the best collection of resources to help people find freedom and restoration in their lives.
Whether you struggle with pornography, love someone who does, or want to keep your home and phone free from porn, we have a resource that is perfect for you.
We are that “church” for anyone and everyone seeking healing and freedom. A safe restorative community that stands ready to to help all those seeking it. That space where all conversations are welcome and nothing is off the table. You are welcomed here.
Only 1% of our audience gives, but we manage to serve 275,000 people each year. Although many pay for our resources, we still experience a gap after scholarships and other operating resources. Will you help us fill this gap and reach our year-end goal of $75,000?
% of adults dream at least occasionally about kinky sex
% that had played sexually in public
% of young women report using pornography with some regularity
% of Christian women say they were first exposed to pornography before the age of 12
% of those wives who continued to watch porn experience a higher divorce risk rate
% of teens admit to intentionally accessing nude or pornographic content online
% of more than four in 10 Americans now say pornography is morally acceptable
% of female internet porn audience
% of porn contains violence against women
had viewed pornography at some time in their life
% of self-reported as regular viewers of pornography
% adults in the world masturbate
% of women masturbate to pictures of their colleagues
% of women who use vibrators when masturbating
% of women who masturbate at least once a week
% of women who admit to masturbating
Some teen girls are viewing online pornography for a half-hour or more at a time, and 1 in 7 have done this on multiple occasions
According to a study published in the Journal of Adolescent Research, about half (49 percent) of young adult women agree that viewing pornography is an acceptable way of expressing one’s sexuality
% of women who admit to accessing pornography at work
1 of 3 visitors to all adult web sites are women
Women favor chat rooms twice as much as men
% of all women struggle with pornography addiction
% of women keep their cyber activities secret
Christians who said pornography is a major problem in the home
40 mil
U.S. adults who regularly visit internet pornography websites