
Frequently Asked Questions.

Pornography addiction

I have had a pornography and masturbation addiction since the age of thirteen, it has been my biggest struggle. I have been in church my whole life but I have never asked for help. I want to be set free from this addiction and I know that Jesus can do that, I just need help on how to start and what steps I need to take.

Thank you.

Kudos to you for taking the first step– admitting there is a problem.  Step two begins with action.

I would highly recommend that you go to our START HERE page and seek out the best scenario that fits your situation and download the suggested resources as there are so many.   Spend time reading through the blogs as well as the comments because you will see that you are not alone in this battle.



healing wounds

I grew up with out a father figure and any parents really being there to guide me and show me love. I have found my source of problems coming from the fact I feel I was unloved and wish to pursue Men and pornography in order to fill that space. I am 3 days clean from this stuff, of watching porn and viewing it voluntarily, I don’t count my friends posts I must remove as me viewing porn. However my questions is, How can I learn to fill that spot not just with God but a healthy straight relationship, and help make my male relationships which are meant to be friends not lustful, better.

The very first sentence of what you wrote says a lot.

I grew up with out a father figure and any parents really being there to guide me and show me love. I have found my source of problems coming from the fact I feel I was unloved…

The power of love, and equally the results of a lack of love is incredible.    If you are convicted about your porn use and your same-sex attraction and it is something you want to change then I know without a doubt that GOD can empower that choice and really help you to find freedom.

The X3pure workshop talks about the need for unconditional love which is why a relationship with Christ really can set you free.  It doesn’t mean the steps you have to take or the choices you need to make will always be easy but freedom is most definitely possible.  Jesus gives us HOPE and he also gives us the ability to overcome.

My recommendation would be to visit our START HERE section and go from there.  There are many suggested resources. Accountability and talking with a trusted friend or family member is so important.  Also Spend some time reading through the blogs as well as the comments from people just like you.  Consider joining an X3group for peer to peer support.

Best wishes!


im already a christian i thought i will be healed from being a homosexual man when i accepted Jesus Christ wholeheartedly as my Lord & Savior, but why does this sin is still lurk in me and i still have attraction to men and worst having lust to them? is it possible or is there a miracle that a homosexual man will be healed and become a heterosexual man? please help..

Struggling in your mind/heart is not sin.  Acting out upon that struggle, that temptation to something you know is sinful is sin. The bible is clear that we will always be enticed by our own desires (James 1:14) and that we will always battle with our flesh. (Galatians 5:17).  Romans 7 talks a lot about sin living in us but then gives us the HOPE in Christ that helps us to overcome.

You are not alone and what you are struggling with is not isolated– The bible tells us that the things we struggle with are not uncommon!  (1 Corinthians 10:14)

You may want to consider joining a support group in your area or one of our X3groups.



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