
Frequently Asked Questions.


Why do I struggle with attraction towards transgenders? Im addicted to transgender porn and I’ve had sexual encounters with them. I want to get over it. I deny myself daily how it says in the bible.  I just want to get pass this.

Thanks for your question.

There are a couple of things I want to mention.   First- if you are struggling with an unwanted sexual addiction or behavior, I would highly recommend seeing a counselor.  Porn use is pretty common to man and is highly addictive so most other men can counsel you on it and walk you through it.  Bring in a fascination with or addiction to transgender and many are just not going to understand and when they are stumped, you are going to be in even more despair.  So I would recommend seeking out a professional counselor who has dealt with this specific issue. can help you find a local specialist in your area.     Second, you said you are denying yourself like it says in the bible.   If we truly denied ourselves the desires of the flesh we wouldn’t continue to fall.   I would say that to deny yourself in this area would mean that you need to cut off all the things that are feeding the root system of this core issue.  If you use your computer to seek out transgender porn or encounters then at best get rid of it- at least put a filtering and blocking software on it so you are unable to use it as a way to feed your addiction.  If it is your phone… get rid of it– go back to a phone without internet.

Many will make a list of excuses of why they can’t do that.  (I need it for work/ school / this / that/ insert excuse here.  But if you want to be FREE you will do whatever it takes and then allow God to restore you and lift you up.  He will care for you.

Best wishes.

A Guy I Know Is Seeking Men On FB

What Can I Do To Help Him Without Being Overly Critical! Or Can You Help?

I think an honest conversation goes a long way.  If you see something of concern, I think a face to face conversation stating your genuine concern is the best advice I can give you.  Only this person knows if this is something they want your input or help in.  You will only know once you open up the dialogue on it.

Don’t underestimate the power of prayer in preparing you for the conversation.

Best wishes!

boyfriend & pornography

I have been with my boyfriend for almost a year now and he struggles with porn. He keeps giving me empty promises to stop and I don’t know what to do. I love him and I want to stay with him but he lies to me about it and I can’t trust him with porn. It is obvious he doesn’t want to change for him and is only stopping because I say so, so what can I do? Please help me. I’m tired of being depressed and crying myself to sleep.

You can move on.


Recap what you said:

“He keeps giving me empty promises–he lies — I can’t trust him — he doesn’t want to change — I’m tired of being depressed and crying myself to sleep”

Again, move on.

You are young, you have your whole life ahead of you and while I know this is huge in terms of a broken heart, I promise you, it will get better.   Pursue your hobbies, interests and dreams!   Life is worth living and what you are experiencing is not living!

This is a nasty beast for men and women to deal with when they WANT to so I can’t imagine staying with someone that clearly doesn’t want to stop.

Best wishes

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