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Accountability software

How do I get the free Accountability software?


You can find the free X3 Watch program by heading over to at the bottom of the [age will be the free link for the download.

Husband watches porn as my heart sinks

Where to begin? Me and my husband have been married for 12 years. In the first year of our marriage I talked to my husband about porn and he said It really did not do any thing for him(yea i was totally gulable) but I had found some Maxim magazines stuffed away in his things. A few years later during a deployment he asked permission(my heart sunk) to look at porn as the other men were looking at it and lying to there wives. I was totally not expecting that question and felt put in a bad place. What do i do say Yes to some thing i feel is wrong or say No so then he lies to me about doing it? He started looking at porn but i knew about it. So now its been a few more years later. I think he had stopped looking at porn for a while. Well then it started back with looking at the old pin up girls and now its gotten full on. I found hundreds of photos of other women on his phone but what broke my heart was that not one was of me. I broke down and talked to him about what i saw on his phone and he said he would get rid of them because it bothered me. The concern i have is that he sees nothing wrong with look at this stuff. I see its ripping our (what was a great)marriage apart. we both are professing Christians so i dont understand why he sees nothing wrong with porn. Is there any scripture or things that help explain why porn and masturbation are wrong?? All i can think to do is cry out to God for help as i dont want to lose our marriage(it was so good before porn)

Dear Amie,

God bless you.  This is such a hard issue to face as a spouse.  But also difficult is the battlefield that your husband is fighting on and off of his role in the military.   This issue of porn is basically an assault against our men.  You have such power to stand in the gap with your husband and pray him (and you) through the thick of it.  These men are blasted left and right with images and then on top of that your husband has to deal with all the other guys doing it as a socially acceptable act.

My recommendation is that you spend some time in the resources section of the Women’s area of there is a specific section for spouses that I believe will help you.  Some great books and like ministries designed for women just like you.

Pure Life Ministries is also a great place for biblical counsel on this matter.

God bless you.

Does the body have a physical need to ejaculate

I am new to this site and I apologize if this question has already been discussed. I am addicted to porn and masturbation like most men are but I am trying to fight it and I am making some progress though not as much as I would like. I want to say this: I thank everyone for this site. It is great. Anyway, my question is this: Doesn’t the body have a physical need to ejaculate periodically? How could masturbation be wrong if this is the case. I have found that when I go for a long time without doing it that my testicles start to hurt badly. Then it sometimes happens in my sleep. One could masturbate without looking at porn and without thinking of anything bad though it is difficult. So would this be alright? I know the Bible does not specifically address porn or this situation so it may be hard to determine what is right. Thanks for the help everyone.

Dear Alex,

We appreciate your question and yes it has been answered before but it’s OK- happy to respond again.

We believe that sex is for the mutual pleasure of spouses giving to one another within the covenant of marriage.  We believe that masturbation is a sexual act that serves only self. 

Breasts supply milk to babies but not every woman who has breasts bears a child.  Therefore using the excuse that a build up of semen requires masturbation just doesn’t fly.

I hope this helps.  If not- read through the many blogs on this subject.

Best wishes

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